OUR 123: “Comedy & Other Opinions”
Hosted by Jason Harvey at Club 50 West
Jason Harvey’s show “Comedy and Other Opinions” made its debut on the stage of Club 50 West on Monday, August 10th, 2015. Ol’ Ute Radio was there to document this moment in history.
We’re setup in the Green Room and recorded between performances. Sascha Blume and Johnny McKeon interview the lineup of comedians for a behind the scenes sneak peek of the show. The Lineup featured the amazing comedians Amerah Ames, Aaron Orlovitz, Eileen Dobbins, New York Comedian Andy Farnsworth, Toy Soup (improv troupe with Andrew Jensen and Troy Taylor), Nicholas Don Smith, and Natashia Mower and of course Jason Harvey.
Conversation topics ranged from multiple perspectives on the gendered use of the word comedian and comedienne, improv and joking around with Toy Soup, chatting about New York Rooms and the comedy process with Andy Farnsworth. OUR discusses: ‘Dungeons and Comedy,’ with Nicholas Don Smith, and Aaron Orlovitz’s comedy roots.
Blume and Harvey bond!
And ChrisHolifield of the ‘I am Salt Lake podcast is asked to say hello:)
Please follow on social media:
Club 50 West @50WestSLC
Andy Farnsworth @bambifransworth
Amerah Ames @aaamerah
natashia mower @tashiamo
ToySoup Comedy @ToySoupComedy
Nicholas Smith @NickSmithComedy
Aaron Orlovitz @AaronOrlovitz
Eileen @eileenisajerk
Jason Harvey @jason_harvey
Johnny McKeon @Johnnymckeon
Sascha Blume @mr_blume
Ol Ute Radio @oluteradio