STUPID 040: “Clean Up On The Comedy Aisle”

Patrick Ramirez, a Salt Lake City comic that moved to LA almost two years ago returned to do a couple of shows at Club at 50 West this past week. Jason was able to do a few shows with him, so they recorded this short episode of Stupid Questions. Ramirez was formerly was a cohost on Ol’ Ute Radio at the University of Utah (K-UTE Radio) which is now on Ramirez is the person that introduced Jason and Sascha (the producer of every podcast on the

He is one of the reasons that Stupid Questions is a podcast. So please sit back and enjoy this episode. They talk about Patrick’s move to LA and some of the best and worst places he has performed since moving. They also cover who would be the best person from American Idol to drive around to appointments and random errands, all of this and more on this episode of Stupid Questions.

Patrick Ramirez: @patrickinmyhead
Jason Harvey: @jason_harvey