OUR 085: “The rally for 16-year-old prisoner, Cooper Van Huizen”
The Interview manifest is: Marc Van Huizen, Randy Candelaria & Cindy Van Huizen http://lennondesignllc.com/wp-content/audio/our/our-ep085.mp3
The Interview manifest is: Marc Van Huizen, Randy Candelaria & Cindy Van Huizen http://lennondesignllc.com/wp-content/audio/our/our-ep085.mp3
One decision, one choice can change your life forever. Tune in for an interview with: Marc and Mindy Van Huizen, the parents of 16-year-old Utah state prisoner Cooper Van Huizen. http://lennondesignllc.com/wp-content/audio/our/our-ep076.mp3 1. Change.org Petition: https://www.change.org/petitions/presiding-judge-brent-w-west-rescind-the-sentence-of-16-year-old-cooper-van-huizen 2. Indiegogo Legal Defense Fundraiser: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/support-16-year-old-cooper-van-huizen-s-defense-fund/x/522096 3. Lend Your Voice to Free Cooper Van Huizen Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LENDYOURVOICE2FREECOOPER 4. Help […]