From comedian and impressionist, to ghost hunter and podcast host, Marcus does it all. Or at least those four things. A funny guy by nature, and by trade, co-host Marcus, who has always been fascinated by the paranormal, applies his wit and comedic curiosity to the world of the supernatural and unexplained.

From Pro-Wrestling to the paranormal; this hilarious ghost hunting, body-slamming, conspiracy-exposing lady does it all. Having always had a fascination with the unexplained, and despite having had her own undeniable paranormal experiences in the past, Danielle still maintains a level-headed skeptical view on the world of the mysterious and brings a voice of reason, sanity and laugh-out-loud one-liners to the crazy world of Area 52.

Melissa Merlot has been doing comedy since her spaceship crashed in Roswell. Okay she's not really an alien but she has been a comedian for a long time. She won the Salt Lake City Weekly Best Stand-up Comedian award in 2013. She's also been featured on podcasts ever since her first co-host spot on The Awkward Hour. Melissa Merlot is fascinated by the unexplained and pretty paranoid so she's very into conspiracy theories.