CRE8TIVITY 007: “2016 Salt Lake Comic Con”

SALT LAKE COMIC CON 2016 has come & gone …and Dylan was able to catch up with previous guests and find out what is going on! Check it out and as always, thank you for joining us! #SLCC16

Chris is an incredible local artist and a great friend. I caught up with him after his panel that discussed frequently asked questions for artists and illustrators.

Chris was previously a blog guest: HERE

Salt Lake Comic Con 2016

Next up, I caught up with the King of Comic Con (IMHO), Mentalist Paul Draper, who had the opportunity to interview Millie Bobby Brown (from Netflix’s Stranger Things, Hell’s Kitchen) and Machete himself, Danny Trejo. We also chat about his other panels and shows that he was involved in. Paul was also our first blog guest when Your Cre8tivity was in its infancy back in January.

Paul was our first blog guest: HERE

Salt Lake Comic Con 2016

Lastly, I caught up with our other first, Huston Huddleston, who joined us via telephone in our first official podcast. Huston shared updates of the Sci-Fi & Horror Museums, his thoughts on Star Trek Beyond and some incredible experiences he has been able to enjoy while touring with the bridge!

Huston was our first podcast guest: HERE

Salt Lake Comic Con 2016