DROPPIN DIMES 008: “You Can’t Outrun Your Fork”

You Can’t Outrun Your Fork

How do you balance being the top Utah Jazz Writer for the Deseret News and being a Health Coach? It’s not easy but someone has got to do it. That someone is Jody Genessy or as most of you might know him from Twitter, DJJazzyJody.

Jody is up to much more nowadays than just keeping Utahns informed about their beloved Jazz. The once 373.3 pounds Jody, has lost 161 pounds and is now going by Jody 2.0 (I made that up earlier…you’re welcome Jody). He joined Droppin Dimes to talk about his life-changing journey.

This podcast is not meant to be a diet infomercial, but rather a platform for someone to share their success and hopefully it will change someone’s life. Going from needing a “more to love seatbelt” (seatbelt extender) on the plane, to being able to enjoy a simple rollercoaster ride with his 4 children and wife at Lagoon, Jody opens up about when and why he made the decision to transform his life.

Is Gordon Hayward staying or leaving? Can the Jazz be the next superstar team? What’s is like covering the Jazz? We end the podcast discussing the NBA with Jody.

To learn more about Jody and his transformation process, click here, and follow him on Twitter, here.

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